Quotation Mark

I believe in turning complex into simple and building affordable solutions to empower YOU.

Jennifer Holland

International Award Winning Inventor | Shark Tank Winner | Virtual Oral Healthcare Enabler | Inventor of Light Inside the Mouth

CEO & Founder

Holland Healthcare


Throat Scope
Ear Scope
Wound Scope
Pap Scope


Ability to visualise and transform complex problems into simple solutions


Success in healthcare innovation lies in our ability to transform ideas into solutions that change lives.

Believe | Act | Persist






  • Idea for Ear Scope




  • Idea for TelScope
  • Product Innovation Winner AusMumpreneur Awards
  • Citizen of the Year Nominee – Australia Day
  • New York Venture Summit Best Presenter Winner
  • Thomas Edison New York Award Winner for Patient Care
  • Launched Australia’s first free Oral Cancer Screening Clinic at the Newcastle V8 Supercar event along side the Australian Dental Association
  • CBS Innovation Nation






Jennifer’s Ideas –

Throat Scope

Throat Scope was invented after a trip to the doctors with my 15 month old baby. He seemed to be suffering from a sore throat.

The doctor got out his wooden tongue depressor and flash light. The doctor asked me to hold my baby around the forehand and arms while he tried to open his mouth with the wooden tongue depressor.

I realized an affordable Intraoral light did not exist, so I researched and built the first prototype in my garage. It cost $2.50. This prototype formed the basics of my first patent based on light refraction and transparent plastic.
This solution provided an affordable alternative to fibre optics.”

– Jennifer Holland, Inventor, Founder, & CEO

Ear Scope

Ear Scope was invented after numerous trips to the doctor with my child who had grommets. My child seemed to be suffering from a sore ear, and after four separate doctor appointments and no answers, we ended up at the ENT.

The ENT looked thoroughly inside my child’s ear and spotted the grommet which had fallen out into his ear canal. The grommet had formed into a growth inside his ear and it had to be removed.

My son was admitted to hospital, where a short operation was performed to remove the growth and grommet.

It was at that moment that I realized the doctors only had one stream of light coming out of the existing otoscopes. I started to dream about incorporating transparent plastic into a specula to provide complete illumination inside the ear.”

– Jennifer Holland, Inventor, Founder, & CEO

TelScope Telehealth System

TelScope Telehealth System was born after I was taking my child, who suffered continuously from tonsillitis, to the doctor.

This is already a task on its own when I have to call and try to get an appointment, round up my four children into the car, make sure they don’t touch anything in the clinic, and worry about if we are coming home with more germs than we came into the clinic with.

After coming home from the appointment, I thought, ‘there has to be an easier way to connect a sore throat or sore tooth to a doctor or dentist from the comfort of my own home!’

In development, we set out to create superior illumination, retraction, and depression while incorporating a smart device. We realized smart devices had the best cameras, so we developed a device to be used for stand alone examination or easily transform into a digital health tool when needed.”

– Jennifer Holland, Inventor, Founder, & CEO

TelScope App

TelScope App was created to work together with the TelScope device.
The TelScope app provides superior intraoral and intra-aural images for telehealth diagnosis. The app is also being developed to produce an AI function for oral health assessment.”

– Jennifer Holland, Inventor, Founder, & CEO

International Presence

Jennifer has built a strong team that is scaling the company across the US, UK and Australia. They have attracted global recognition, hold 16 patents, 18 trademarks and 6 design patents worldwide and have distributed over two million products across eight countries via 30 medical distribution partners. Jennifer’s innovative prowess and determination to succeed in the Medical Industry have been recognised across the world with Awards from Sydney to New York.

“I believe in turning complex into simple and building affordable solutions to streamline medical examination processes!”Jennifer Holland

Early Years

Jennifer was born deaf; she has two siblings and a loving mother. Jennifer was driven by her fierce determination to work out the world in a simple form; her lack of speech and hearing led her to create and innovate on many levels before she became a worldwide inventor in the orifice illumination and medical software space.

Jennifer had a difficult time at school, moved out of home at 16, worked full time, studied part time, started her first business at 19, purchased her first house at 19 and went on to live all over the world. At 27, Jennifer settled in Australia with her husband and four children, and during this time she invented her first medical device, Throat Scope.

“Today’s NO is tomorrow’s YES”

Volunteer Work

  • Jennifer donated her very first sale of Throat Scope devices to the Children’s Hospital at Westmead in 2015.
  • Jennifer was the visionary behind introducing free oral health and oral cancer screening clinics into Australian pharmacies alongside the Australian Dental Association and Sigma Healthcare in 2018 and 2019.
  • Jennifer volunteers her time to work with leading Oral Cancer organisations in America and Australia, educating and training the public on the early signs of oral cancer. In 2019 Jennifer partnered with the US Oral Cancer Foundation to launch the Check Your Mouth campaign.
  • In 2020 Jennifer Holland become an advisor to the American Tele-dentistry Association.
  • In 2021 Jennifer together with leading ENT Surgeon Dr Richard Gallagher launched a free accredited Head and Neck Cancer training course worldwide.
  • Holland Healthcare donates devices every year to charities and oral health screening clinics worldwide. “180 million Americans were not able to afford oral healthcare or did not have access to oral healthcare due to their location in 2020” Jennifer Holland
  • In June 2021, Jennifer launched a new Holland Healthcare company mission to donate a TelScope System to every Community Outreach Centre to enable virtual oral healthcare across America!